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The Benefactor

The Benefactor

After the tragic death of her parents five years ago, Olivia (Dakota Fanning) returns to her hometown with her new husband, Luke (Theo James) and reconnects with her parent’s old family friend, Franny (brilliantly played by Richard Gere). The couple are then forced to navigate the all-consuming interest of this powerful, mysterious, and possessive philanthropist.

Available January 15

Selling Points

  • Features Gere as a hedonistic philanthropist who insinuates himself into the life of his dead friend’s daughter (Dakota Fanning) and her husband (Theo James)

  • Gere recently worked with The Benefactor producer Kevin Turen on the hit indie film Arbitrage

  • National press tour (TV, Online, Print) supported by Richard Gere, Dakota Fanning and Theo James

  • Premiered during the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival


  • Andrew Renzi


  • Kevin Turen


  • Thriller, Drama



View The Benefactor on IMDb

View The Benefactor on Rotten Tomatoes

Marketing Plan


  • The Benefactor will be released in a minimum of 20 theaters in the top 20 DMA’s on January 15, 2016 including New York and Los Angeles

Talent Engagement

  • National press tour (TV, Online, Print) supported by Richard Gere, Dakota Fanning and Theo James



  • Mix of print, broadcast and digital PR

  • Poster/trailer premiere

  • 4-6 clips debut in the 3 weeks leading up to release

  • Reviews in weekly and daily publications