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Septembers of Shiraz

Septembers of Shiraz

Available June 24

Based on true events, Septembers of Shiraz follows a secular Jewish family caught in the turmoil of the 1979 Iranian Revolution. When Isaac (Brody) is suddenly arrested, his wife (Hayek) is left to make sense of what happened. 

Selling Points

  • Stars Academy award-winning actor Adrien Brody, and Academy Award Nominees Salma Hayek and Shohreh Aghdashloo

  • Premiered at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival

  • Based on the critically-acclaimed  and best-selling book by Iranian American author Dalia  Sofer



  • Salma Hayek 

    (Frida, “30 Rock”, Grown Ups 2)
  • Adrien Brody 

    (The Pianist, The Grand Budapest Hotel, “Breakthrough”)

Marketing Plan


  • Release on 10 theatres in top 20 DMAs.  Target markets include Los Angeles and NYC to activate national publicity

Talent Engagement

  • Work with talent to secure account visits/meet-and-greets pending availability


  • Secure select festival placement pre-release to secure pre-release buzz / positive press

  • Host select WOM screenings pre-release targeting the Persian Jewish community

  • Look at partnering with appropriate venues (i.e. Holocaust Museum) to host press day or WOM screening



  • Raise awareness via asset exclusives and syndication (trailer, clips, images), as well as talent interviews and editorial features (pending availability) across National TV, Radio, Print and Online media

Social Media

  • Highly targeted paid social campaign week of launch to  direct fans to an account for purchase

  • Work with talent and engaging fan pages on social media to support launch date, host giveaways (i.e. copies of the book, digital copies of the film), post assets and generate buzz to new audiences for the film

View Septembers of Shiraz on IMDb