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Peter Pan - Fairy Friendship

DQE Peter Pan Fairy Friendship - The New Aventures

Available now

Get ready for a ‘fairy’ special adventure in Neverland! When Captain Hook captures Peter, the Lost Kids, John and Michael, Tinker Bell and Wendy must band together to save their friends.


Selling Points

  • Stunning, 3D stereoscopic animation

  • Introduces J. M. Barrie's beloved characters Peter Pan, Captain Hook, Wendy, Tinker Bell and The Lost Boys to a whole new generation

  • “Fairy” centric movies continue to do extremely well in the market place 


  • Augusto Zanovello


  • DQ Entertainment


  • Family, Animated


Marketing Plan

Social Media

  • Teaser posters of each individual character

  • Run social media contests for a chance to win free a Fairy Friendship download

  • Create a social media content calendar



  • Create turnkey components for Mommy Bloggers to easily post and share, including kid-friendly activities, images & clips