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Peppa Pig - Sunny Vacation

Peppa Pig - Sunny Vacation

Available August 2

Peppa is a loveable, cheeky little piggy who lives with her younger brother George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig. Peppa’s favorite things include playing games, dressing up, days out and jumping in muddy puddles. Her adventures always end happily with loud snorts of laughter.


Selling Points

  • $1 billion in annual global retail sales

  • Broadcast in over 180 countries

  • Translated into over 40 languages

  • Over 700 licensees worldwide

  • Top-performing show on Nick Jr. with kids 2-5 since October 2013

  • 44 million viewers in the U.S. per month

Marketing Plan


  • Outreach to over 200 dedicated Mommy Blogs who will conduct monthly review and giveaway opportunities

  • Focus targeted outreach on additional niche demographics


  • Working with brand licensees and promotional partners to cross-promote


Social Media

  • Robust brand page support from key brands

  • Run weekly contests

  • Create a social media content calendar