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Black November - Global

Black November

A volatile, ravaged community wages war against a corrupt government to protect their land from being destroyed by excessive oil drilling and spills. To seek justice a rebel organization kidnaps an American oil executive and demands that his corporation end the destruction. Tensions quickly rise that turn a hostage situation into an all out explosive attack.

Available January 19

Selling Points

  • Stars Hip Hop superstar Akon who is also an executive producer on the film and will promote via his mass social media outreach.

  • Basinger and Rourke previously starred together in the hit 9 1/2 Weeks.

  • Premiered at the Kennedy Center and screened during the United Nations General Assembly in New York City


  • Jeta Amata

Executive Producer:


  • Bernard Alexander, Jeta Amata, Ori Ayonmike, Marc Byers, Wilson Ebiye, Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Dede Mabiaku


  • Action, Drama



View Black November on IMDb


  • 45 minute documentary - 'Into The Niger Delta'