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MMM - Pranks for the Memories

Mighty Mighty Monsters in Pranks for the Memories

Available March 8

Set your frights high, as Vlad, Frankie, and Gunnar take you for one last scare before the school year ends! When the monsters get caught setting up a grand and elaborate prank, they will not only have to stay in human school for another year, but attend summer school as well! However, if the monsters join the school soapbox race and win, they can forgo summer classes and trade in their BOOks for Spooks!


Selling Points

  • Based on a book series created and written by Sean Patrick O’Reilly

  • In similar vein to the very successful franchise “Monster High”

  • Pranks for the Memories is the third release of a 3 part series


  • Adam Wood


  • Aaron L. Gilbert, Barbara Zelinski


  • Children's, Animated



  • Travis Turner

  • Doug Abrahams

  • Vincent Tong

  • Donavon Stinson

View Mighty Mighty Monsters in Pranks for the Memories on IMDb

Marketing Plan


  • Focus targeted outreach on additional niche demographics

  • Create turnkey components for Mommy Bloggers bloggers to easily post and share, including kid-friendly activities, images & clips


Social Media

  • Run social media contests

  • Create a social media content calendar